My veneers left me with incredibly hot, angry and itchy blotches all over

Lily Lindsay, 29, paid £1,000 for veneers after feeling self-conscious about her teeth.

The document controller from Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, said: “I’ve always been a bit self-conscious about my smile.

“But I saw friends and TikTokers getting composite veneers, and thought I’d have it done myself.”

While Lily got her composite veneers done professionally by a dentist, and was “chuffed” with how they looked, a strange reaction soon occurred.

Within two weeks of having veneers, which Lily was looking forward to showing off at her best friend’s wedding, her eyes became red and itchy, and her skin started to dry up.

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Lily shared: “Day-to-day, my face would get a little more crusty, itchy and red. My face felt incredibly hot, angry and itchy.”

The rash-like blotches spread across Lily’s body, which became painful and the lesions started to affect her self-confidence.

Doctors thought it could be contact dermatitis, so told Lily to avoid an ingredient called lauryl sulfate, which can be found in toothpaste and shampoo.

But Lily’s reactive skin didn’t get any better, so the doctor thought it could be eczema.

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Given steroid cream, while her skin started to clear up, a month later it came back with a vengeance.

Lily said: “I was buying new products to help, trying every diet under the sun; each time, I just ended up in a vicious cycle which was immensely mentally damaging.

“My mum came up to visit me for a weekend, she couldn’t bear to see me like that. In fact, she had to leave.

“She couldn’t handle the way I looked because I looked so unwell and she couldn’t do anything to help me.”

Lily felt “so low” about how she looked; after consulting with a private dermatologist, she was tested for over 100 allergens, but none could explain the severe reaction she was experiencing.

By January 2023, Lily’s allergy was affecting her immune system, causing spells of dizziness, ringing ears and black spots in her vision.

Piecing together when the symptoms occurred, Lily suspected her skin reaction could be due to the veneers.

Lily said: “I phoned the dentist – and she was very shocked. It was such a rarity that they didn’t actually think it could be an allergic reaction.

“My dentist said she’d cover the cost [of £100], because I was clearly suffering. By mid-May this year, my face had completely cleared up.”

Lily was able to make her friend’s wedding on June 17 will no problems at all.

Healthcare expert Dr Helen Evans-Howells said: “Allergic reactions to composite veneers tend to be triggered by the resin used within these products.

“Commonly, this would trigger contact dermatitis which is caused by a delayed allergic reaction.

“This would tend to present with irritation at the site of the veneers or mouth ulcers. On occasion, reactions such as eczema, or eye swelling can occur.”

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