Emmerdale star Samantha Giles has announced an upcoming role after leaving the ITV soap. Earlier this month, Bernice Blackstock was caught red-handed and was forced to admit that she'd taken out a fraudulent loan in Nicola's (Nicola Wheeler) name. She then handed the B&B over to her sister before leaving in a taxi. "Onwards and
FRED Sirieix's fiancée has broken her silence after an explosive I'm A Celeb clash with Nella Rose. The First Dates star came under fire from Nella who accused him of "bringing up her dead dad" in a shocking outburst last night. Fred won the sympathy of I'm a Celebrity viewers when he came under attack
I'm a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here! viewers have been left baffled after Nella Rose and Fred Sirieix appeared to mend their relationship- but it was never shown. Earlier this week, things took an unexpected turn in the jungle when Nella and Fred fell out due to a misunderstanding of words. In a conversation regarding
A self-declared 'big beautiful woman' has made social media accounts dedicated to flaunting her big belly in skimpy outfits – and declared she's "fat but still sexy". Jenny, who posts on social media as @jennystummy, often refers to herself as a "BBW Queen" as she shares videos of herself jiggling her belly fat and asking
Amanda Holden details her ‘Christmas keeper’ outfit Amanda Holden took to her Instagram Story to discuss her latest outfit with her two million followers on Tuesday, but was met with another awkward wardrobe malfunction. The Heart Radio presenter showcased her sensational physique in her new black trouser suit at multiple angles in a video shared
An adult actress horrified fans by admitting her ex always wanted to wipe her backside for her after she's been to the toilet. Amanda Nicole confessed to being a "people pleaser" when she appeared on the Pillow Talk podcast, hosted by Ryan Pownall. The 29-year-old, from Las Vegas, claims this was the reason why she
Ahhh, Black Friday. The one day a year where it’s socially acceptable to get in a fight over a flat screen TV that has been very, very deeply discounted. OK, we’re kidding about that part. It’s never OK to get in a fight over a flat screen TV — no matter how deep the discount might
ARSENAL make the short trip across London to face Brentford in Saturday's evening kick off from the Premier League. And talkSPORT BET are offering brand new customers a cool £30 in free bets when they stake just £10 this weekend! How to claim.. talkSPORT BET offer Visit the talkSPORT BET website HERE* Opt in to
I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! starJordan North has opened up about one “good night” three years ago where he got drunk and “accidentally broke into someone’s room”. Jordan,who appeared on the ITV show back in 2020, revealed all about the dramatic night in his new book Help, I Sexted My Boss, which
Rita Ora makes a bleary-eyed exit in her very racy sheer gown after fun-filled night out with the stars at British Vogue’s Forces for Change party Rita Ora made a bleary-eyed exit from British Vogue’s Forces for Change party at The MAINE Mayfair on Thursday. The singer, 32, appeared to have had the time of her life as she
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